Monday, September 21, 2009

♥ Raw Carob-Almond Butter Spread!! ♥

I am a bit of a Chocolate fiend. Yes I'm your typical woman and I loooooooove Chocolate ~_^. I remember when I was younger and the delight of Nutella was just to die for. Now we've all seen those adds on TV claiming this treat is umm, good for you? Well when you read the ingredient list and see sugar is the first ingredient you know it can't be good for you. And don't you love how they say "and a hint of cocoa". Well the cocoa is probably the only good part in it. :p

Well, I've still got a sweet-tooth and every time I pass by this little jar of chocolate I crave it. I did manage to find two replacements in store. One was sadly not Organic, and I am quite particular about only eating Organic nuts. The other was Raw, now this excited me but I have yet to try it since at a whopping $18.00 I'm afraid I have to turn the other cheek. But I decided to make my own!
I already make my own Almond Butter so I figured why not attempt a chocolate spread as well? I did. And it is quite yummy. Don't be mistaken, it tastes nothing like that fake sugar jar of Nutella, but it is delicious, it's nutritious, it's Raw, and it will satisfy your sweet-tooth! ^_^

Raw Carob-Almond Butter Spread:

1 cup Raw Almonds
1/2 cup Raw Carob Powder
1/4 cup Raw Agave Nectar
1/2 cup Rice Milk or Water

In a Food Processor grind up the Almonds on high for approximately 10 minutes until it becomes a creamier texture. Add the Carob Powder, Agave Nectar, and a little bit of Rice Milk. Continue to process until the mixture becomes creamy, gradually adding Milk or Water (or a lil of both is what I do) to achieve the right texture. You can taste-test this along the way and add more Sweetened or Carob as you so desire. Once the mixture is done you can scoop it out into a glass jar (I use recycled jars from previously store-bought Almond butter) and store in the refrigerator.
I love this spread on Rice Cakes but I'm sure it goes yummy yummy with just about anything ♥♥

1 comment:

  1. haha yeah I can't eat cane sugar either which is what I am guessing is the sweetener in that one? I tried one once too, probably the same one, I totally forgot about it. It was definitely yummy but yeah, I can't eat it anymore. This one is a nice replacement though ^_^ As mentioned, it doesn't really taste like those hazelnut spreads but it is a good replacement and much much better for you with almonds still being the main ingredient :) I will have to try it with hazelnuts though some time I think :)
